
‘Babylon’ wins the Vertical Workshop 2023 “Living the Facade”

The Vertical Workshop took place between 4 and 8 September marking the beginning of the academic year for the our University’s School of Architecture. On this occasion, students from years 2 to 5 pooled their knowledge in teams to build six modular facade system prototypes. The jury of the Vertical Workshop selected the project “Babylon” as the winner of this 25th edition

Architecture students presented six modular facade system prototypes for residential buildings. These systems revitalise the architectural space, generate living spaces on the facade, and move towards the NZEB (Near Zero Energy Building) paradigm with the integration of active and passive systems, including the creation of energy in the buildings themselves.

The winning project of this edition, “Babylon,” is a prototype that adds a habitable outdoor space, generous in size with very versatile uses, benches incorporated on both sides that hide the anchors and installation hardware. The jury valued the high degree of habitability and comfort that it offers users, in addition to protection and energy efficiency systems.

The six projects addressed the challenge from different and complementary perspectives. Modular balcony and galleries prototypes of different sizes that can be anchored in the facade, and different solutions for the improvement and insulation of the pre-existing facades were presented. The students used plants, recycled and recyclable materials, rainwater collection systems, etc. All teams provided technical details, architectural plans and renders for the projects.

On this occasion, the workshop was led by the director of the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture, Victor Echarri, and by lecturer Ricardo Gómez Val. Lecturer Jordi Roviras was the coordinator.

The jury was made up of Doctors of Architecture and experts in energy efficiency, modular facade systems and bioclimatic architecture: Javier Neila, lecturer at ETSA Madrid; Rufino Hernández Minguillón, ETSA Basque Country; Alberto Meiss, ETSA Valladolid; Alberto Burgos, ETSA València, and Antonio Salmeron, University of Alicante.