
Business Administration Faculty Organizes Lectures to Disseminate UIC Research

Since September 2013, the UIC Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences has been organizing Research Lectures aimed at researchers and professors as well as the general public. The objective is to provide a forum in which ideas from the field of Economy and Business Organization can be debated and shared.

As part of these lectures, Prof. Pedro Mir presented the study “Use and Abuse of Whatsapp” on Friday, 21 February 2014. He discussed the primary ways this instant communication tool is used and its relationship with psychological wellbeing, while placing special emphasis on the characterization of its addictive tendencies.

The Research Lectures are held approximately once every three weeks. Professors and doctoral candidates from the faculty as well as other national and international universities and research centres are invited to attend.

The objective is essentially to disseminate the research carried out at the UIC and gain firsthand insight into research done at other universities. The lectures create a friendly environment that encourages reflection and debate.

At the beginning of each term, organizers send out the calendar for the lectures scheduled for that period. Approximately one week before each session, they send out the material that will be used during the lecture.

For the next session, to be held on Friday, 7 March 2014, Profs. Inés Alegre and Jasmina Berbegal will discuss “Social Innovation Success Factors: The Hospitality Industry and Social Enterprise Tourism”. Later in the term, there will be lectures by professors from the Universidad del País Vasco and IESE Business School, as well as other sessions with UIC professors.