
Catalan Oncology Institute Pays Tribute to Dr. Albert J. Jovell

A memorial service was held for Dr. Albert J. Jovell, the first director of the UIC's Institute of Public Health, at the Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO) on Thursday, 19 June 2014. Dr. Jovell was a member of the Board of Directors of the ICO.

The memorial began with speeches by Dr. Josep Ramon Germà i Lluch, Dr. Jordi Trelis i Navarro and Dr. Ramon Salazar Soler, whose close collaboration with Dr. Jovell enabled them to share their memories of him as a person.

After the speeches, Josep Maria Vilà i Cortasa, the ICO president, and Dr. Maria Dolors Navarro Rubio, revealed a commemorative plaque in the Albert Jovell Room (formerly the boardroom).

Dr. Albert J. Jovell, who died on 26 November 2013, was a doctor specializing in preventive medicine and public health and had a PhD from Harvard University. At the time of his death, Dr. Jovell held a number of positions. He was the Director of the UIC’s Institute of Public Health, now renamed the Albert J. Jovell Institute of Public Health and Patients in his honour. He was also a member of the ICO’s Board of Directors and the president of the Spanish Patients’ Forum and the Spanish Association of Patients with Rare Tumours.