
The Consul General of Ukraine in Barcelona, Artem Vorobyov, visits UIC Barcelona

Vorobyov gave a lecture titled “Ukraine, a nation in defence of Europeanism,” as part of the Faculty of Humanities subject Current History Issue

The Consul General of Ukraine, H.E. Mr Artem Vorobyov, gave a lecture titled “Ukraine, a nation in defence of Europeanism,” in which he analysed the situation of the country after 382 days of war and shared the many expressions of solidarity that Ukraine has received from the international community. The conference was organised by the UIC Barcelona Faculty of Law and was part of the subject Current History Issues, taught by Professor Josep Serrano

Dr Judith Urbano, dean of the Faculty of Humanities, introduced the diplomat who in turn, wanted to share with the attendees the “high level of optimism” that the Ukrainian people currently have in the face of the situation that the country is experiencing following the war that broke out just over a year ago.. In this context, he said he is convinced that “the country will move forward with giant steps toward a future full of opportunities” for all its citizens.

The consul greeted the rector, Dr Alfonso Méndiz, and expressed his thanks for UIC Barcelona’s interest in the past, present and future of Ukraine, and took the opportunity to congratulate the university on its 25th anniversary. The conference ended with extensive time for questions from attendees.

H. E. Mr Artem Vorobyov closed a series of sessions within the subject Current History Issues, which has had participation from other speakers such as Dr Gabriel Karrum, member of the Syrian community in Barcelona (“Syria: building peace in times of war?”); Joan Raduà, lawyer, Human Rights Commission of the Barcelona Bar Association (ICAB) (“Human rights, today and always”) and Pilar Rebaque, lawyer and member of the ICAB Women’s Commission (“Women and law”).