
Daniele Maruca and Sara Puig, cultural management experts, give a master class at UIC Barcelona

The director at The Feuerle Collection in Berlin and the president of the Joan Miró Foundation in Barcelona shared the management model of their respective exhibition spaces with University’s Master’s Degree in Cultural Management students. This session is one of the several master classes taught by internationally renowned professionals that are developed over throughout the year as a complement to the academic programme of this master’s programme under the Faculty of Humanities

On Wednesday, 15 November, Students in the UIC Barcelona Master's Degree in Cultural Management of the Faculty of Humanities received a master class by Daniele Maruca, director of The Feuerle Collection in Berlin, and Sara Puig, president of the Joan Miró Foundation in Barcelona. The session, which is one in a series of lectures with experts in art and cultural management that are organised over throughout the academic year, was the opportunity to show students two different museum management models.

Art historian and current president of the Joan Miró Foundation Board of Trustees Sara Puig covered the history of this cultural institution and its management model, as well as the challenges they will face in 2025, the year the Foundation celebrates its 50th anniversary. She also explained how the works of the artist Joan Miró coexist in this dynamic space with the most contemporary artistic creations, in which temporary exhibitions of 20th- and 21st-century artists and academic activities are organised, as well as cooperation projects with other institutions and entities of the country. One example is the Miró-Picasso exhibition that will take place simultaneously at the Joan Miró Foundation and at the Picasso Museum in Barcelona between 20 October 2023 and 25 February 2024, coinciding with the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the death of Pablo Picasso and the 40th anniversary of the death of Joan Miró.

On another note, Maruca presented The Feuerle Collection, a space that from its inception is committed to offering an experience away from public crowds. The collection presents a conversation between ancient and contemporary works of art, encouraging a new perspective on the art experience. The Feuerle Collection is located in a former World War II bunker in Berlin and was founded by Désiré Feuerle and Sara Puig.

At the end of the session, both experts were able to share and discuss their different points of view, their experiences as museum directors, and talk with students about the different issues that concern them as future managers of the world of culture.