
The DigiRUR project works to promote entrepreneurship and innovation in rural areas in Europe

DigiRUR is an initiative funded by the European Union within the framework of Erasmus+ projects. The project brings together universities, research institutions and private organisations from several European countries with the goal of promoting youth entrepreneurship in rural areas in Europe. UIC Barcelona collaborates with DigiRur through researchers from the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences   

Over the past few weeks, members of the DigiRUR team have made progress on the project, which was first presented last November. Several online and in-person meetings have been held to share ideas and best practice, and courses have been started in new rural areas. 

DigiRUR is a project that aims to reach a large number of people, so one of the sessions was held remotely to include all the project partners. During the session, stakeholders such as universities, public entities and students from all over Spain were invited to learn about DigiRUR and the activities carried out over the last two years. 

The sessions offered UIC Barcelona’s entrepreneurial students the opportunity to learn about the DigiRUR platform and all the web resources available to them.

Meanwhile, a session was also organised for teachers from the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, held at Escola Camp Joliu del Arboç under the tagline “Entrepreneurship and digital strategies: a comprehensive approach in a rural environment”. The aim of the session was to offer business-minded students different tools and resources that could be useful when developing a business idea.