
Dr. Arana Defends Role of Science in Debate on Existence of God

Dr. Juan Arana, the Head of the Department of Physical Sciences at the Universidad de Sevilla, gave the lecture «The Role of Science in the Contemporary Philosophical Debate on the Existence of God». The lecture was organized by the UIC Culture, Science and Religion Chair, and took place on Wednesday, 12 February 2014, on the Sant Cugat campus.

Dr. Arana’s presentation revealed the need for scientists and philosophers to work together in order to understand the universe we live in and form part of. Given the materialistic atheism proposed with little intellectual consistency by some science writers, Dr. Arana argued that science provides evidence that enables philosophers to put forward solid arguments in favour of the existence of God. In the course of his lecture, Arana made reference to Antony Flew’s book There Is a God.

Lecturers from a number of UIC faculties and other universities attended the seminar.