
Dr. Clotet Analyses «Omics for Dummies»

On Thursday, 20 February 2014, Dr. Josep Clotet, the Director of the UIC's Basic Sciences Department, gave an informative lecture on omics in the events room at the Hospital General de Catalunya. The lecture was aimed at students from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences.

This term refers to the different fields of study in biology in which large-scale, complex research can be conducted thanks to technology and new analytical techniques. When the Latin suffix -ome ('totality') is added to each of these fields of study, new disciplines such as genomics, proteomics, transcriptomics and metabolomics emerge.

Dr. Clotet addressed an audience of more than a hundred medical students from all years, and talked about these techniques that, despite having worked for 10 years, are only now being put into practice, albeit not on a large scale. He also spoke about the practical applications of these techniques, which allow processes such as cancer diagnoses to be refined.