
Dr. Eduard Marti Receives 30th Ferran Soldevila Prize

Dr. Eduard Marti, the Assistant Dean of the Faculty of Communication Sciences, received the 30th Ferran Soldevila Prize for Biography, Memoir and Historical Studies. The theme of the 2014 edition of the prize was the War of the Spanish Succession.

The awards were presented on Wednesday, 4 June 2014, in Moragues Hall in the Born Cultural Centre, Barcelona. The presentation ceremony was one of the events scheduled as part of the government of Catalonia’s programme to commemorate the 300th anniversary of the events of 1714 and was attended by Miquel Calçada, the director of the Tercentenary programme; Quim Torra, the director of the Born Cultural Centre; and Marc Taxonera, the Vice President of the Catalonian Culture Congress Foundation.

This year, the panel of judges decided to share the prize between two of the nominees. The prizewinning works were El Braç Militar de Catalunya 1620-1714 by Dr. Eduard Marti; and La premsa a Catalunya durant la Guerra de Successió by Xevi Camprubí. Following the presentation of the prizes, the two prize winners discussed their books with José María Muñoz, a member of the judging panel and the editor-in-chief of the journal L’Avenç, which gave the audience a deeper understanding of each work.

The Ferran Soldevila Prize is awarded for biography, memoir and historical studies. The prize aims to promote political, social, economic and biographical historical studies within the context of the regions where Catalan is spoken. The first edition of the prize was held in 1985 as the Catalonian Culture Congress Foundation Prize for Biography and Historical Studies.