
Dr. Eduardo Terrasa Gives Tips on Achieving Excellence in University Teaching

On Friday, 4 April 2014, Dr. Eduardo Terrasa gave a talk on learning and motivation to lecturers from the UIC Faculty of Communication Sciences. Dr. Terrasa is the author of the book «El viaje hacia la propia identidad» (The Journey Towards Your Own Identity) published by EUNSA. He is a lecturer in Anthropology in the Faculty of Communication at the Universidad de Navarra. He also teaches Cinema and Identity as part of that university's Master's Degree in Screenplays for Film and Television.

The talk, “The Big Picture of a Story or How to Make Sure Your Message Hits the Mark”, covered important topics for any university lecturer, including class organization, fundamental learning techniques, student motivation, developing students' potential and professional guidance.

During the talk, Dr. Terrasa stressed that values such as imagination, creativity and passion for telling stories now make up the DNA of any university student studying Audiovisual Communication, Journalism or Advertising and Public Relations. Teaching that is orientated towards strengthening and developing these values in students is a priority for all lecturers. One of the most important ideas conveyed in the talk was the need for lecturers and students to collaborate in a way that gives students some ownership of their personal and professional development. This points them in the right direction from the start of their university experience.