
Dr Josep Argemí, paediatrician and first dean of the Faculty, patron for the 10th class graduating the Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine at UIC Barcelona

Dr Argemí, who was also rector of the University from 2001 to 2010, welcomed the new colleagues and encouraged them to never forget the reason why they became doctors: to help others

Saturday, 17 June, was a very special date for the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences as it happened to coincide with UIC Barcelona’s 25th birthday and the ceremony for the 10th class graduating the Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine. The ceremony, attended by the graduates accompanied by their families, friends and teachers, took place in the Aula Magna lecture hall on the Barcelona Campus and was led by Dr Alfonso Méndiz, rector of the University.

Dr Marta Elorduy, vice dean of the Department of Medicine, was first to address the new doctors reminding them that the Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine was created with the will to change the world “by training doctors like you. But this change will not come about with only the knowledge you have acquired, however it will be possible thanks to your way of doing, treating, and caring for all those people with whom you will interact.” “Humane treatment and support are the great values of the doctor of the future, and you have them. The world of medicine is waiting for you to change it!”, she said encouraging them.

Next to speak was Dr Josep Argemí, patron for the 10th class graduating the UIC Barcelona Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine, first dean of the Faculty, and rector of the University for nine years. Argemí congratulated the new alumni on “your dedication, perseverance and passion to fulfill your dream: to become doctors. Now you are the guardians of patient health and welfare, and you have the great ability to heal and transform lives.” Referring to both the professional and the humane, Dr Argemí also encouraged them to “keep alive the passion that brought you here and never forget the reason why you decided to be doctors: to help others.” Before finishing his speech, the graduating class patron wanted to give the new doctors some advice, from of his own experience, by highlighting the importance of living and enjoying every moment, seeking the balance between their professional life, family life and personal life.

As part of the ceremony, diplomas were presented and the extraordinary award for the 2016-2022 graduating class was presented to Gemma Terns. Then, Paloma Puyalto, lecturer chosen by the students to speak at the ceremony, congratulated her new colleagues and spoke some tender words of gratitude and recognition, and reminded them that “the only medicine you can never be lacking are enthusiasm, dedication and desire to learn.” Puyalto then proceeded to read the Hippocratic Oath, followed by a very touching video of alumni from the nine previous classes sharing the best memories of their time at UIC Barcelona and what it meant to them as professionals.

Student representatives Xavier Jiménez and Miguel Benejam addressed their classmates, relatives and teachers who supported them throughout these six years.

Then, Dr Albert Balaguer, dean of the Faculty and director of the Department of Medicine, addressed the graduates who “are now part of a profession that has numerous specialties but all with one common denominator: serving others.” Dr Balaguer said, “Throughout all these years, we have wanted to train doctors capable of learning, with a critical spirit and who would place the patient at the centre. We are proud to be able to say that these values will identify you as doctors from UIC Barcelona wherever you go.”

Dr Alfonso Méndiz, rector of UIC Barcelona, closed the ceremony. He reminded the new students that “you are beginning a new stage where the meaning you give to your work will determine how you face the future challenges.” Moreover, Méndiz encouraged them as UIC Barcelona doctors to “carry out your work with vocation to care for the sick and improve quality of life for our society.”




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