
Dr Lola Bardallo, former director of the l’Escola Superior d’Infermeria del Mar, patron of the 11th class graduating the Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing

Bardallo, who was also a UIC Barcelona Department of Nursing teacher for 14 years and one of the promoters of the degree programme’s clinical practicums, highlighted vocation of service and the passion for caring for others as the main drivers of the nursing profession

The rector, Dr Alfonso Méndiz, led the graduation ceremony for the Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing that took place on Saturday, 10 June in the Aula Magna on the Barcelona Campus. The ceremony brought together the new nurses accompanied by their families, friends and teachers.

Dr Encarna Rodríguez, Nursing Department director, opened a very emotional ceremony welcoming the new graduates to the nursing profession practice. “Your studies began and were interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has forced society to become aware of the essential role we nurses play,” Rodríguez recalled. “You are now beginning your professional journey and you must not forget that you bear the hallmark of nursing leadership as a distinctive feature. You must be leaders in patient-centred care, health promotion, and ambassadors of more humane care.” The department director also stressed to the new alumni that “as health professionals, it is essential that you stay up to date both in practice and in research, and that you never forget to take care of yourself, so you can take care of others.”

Next, the former director of l’Escola Superior d’Infermeria del Mar, professor for the UIC Barcelona Department of Nursing for 14 years and patron of the graduating class, Dr Lola Bardallo, took the floor. From her personal experience, from the area of care and teaching, Bardallo described as historic “this graduating class, because the pandemic and the healthcare system crisis have tested your learning and vocation. But don’t forget that crises give you opportunities to grow in all areas.” The patron of the graduating class also stressed that “we are health professionals, and we must base our work on scientific evidence, taking care of our patients with intentional presence and always with vocation of service and passion for what we do.” Dr Bardallo concluded her speech by encouraging the new graduates to “experience care in all its aspects because you will be much happier.”

As part of the event, the Extraordinary End of Degree Award was presented to student Cristina Acebo, and student representatives, Gala Chabot and Pol Hernández, spoke a few words to their classmantes. family members and teachers who supported them in these four years. Additionally, Assistant Professor Cristina Naqui, chosen by the students to speak a few words, congratulated the new colleagues stressing that “the Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing at UIC Barcelona trains leaders who know how to take care of people with humanity, and this sets us apart.”

Dr Alfonso Mendiz, rector of UIC Barcelona, closed the ceremony by encouraging the new alumni to “give meaning to your work and reclaim values like solidarity and human affection, foundational in your profession.” “Wherever you go, lead a transformation based on the person, respect and affection, both personally and professionally. And don’t forget that UIC Barcelona is your home and that we would like you to come back and tell us how you are doing and all about your projects.”




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