
Dr. Lorente Speaks at Fourth Conference on Pain Management

Dr. Marian presented two papers at the fourth Conference on Pain Management organized by the Spanish Association of Patients against Pain: Sine Dolore on Tuesday and Wednesday, 4-5 February 2014, in Cádiz.

A total of 300 doctors from pain treatment units and the pharmaceuticals industry took part in the conference, which addressed the subject of chronic pain in a variety of areas of medicine. It also included a practical workshop on ultrasounds and talks on breakthrough pain.

Dr. Lorente, the director of the UIC's Surgical and Functional Anatomy Laboratory, gave a presentation on “Anatomical localization of the articular branches to the knee joint (genicular nerves) and correlation with percutaneous structures for the treatment of knee pain”. In this first session, she presented the Surgical and Functional Anatomy Laboratory, where she carried out a research project on knee pain. She went on to present a second paper about the biological effects of acupuncture within the section on acupuncture for pain management.