
Dr Ricardo M. Jiménez-Yáñez studies rhetorical persuasion strategies in legal blogs and doctrinal articles in relation to a controversial sentence

The lecturer of the Faculty of Humanities and Law wrote the article in the magazine Discurso & Society together with Dr Diana Giner from the University of San Jorge and the lawyer and partner of the law firm Fieldfisher-Jausàs, Pablo Franquet.

Dr Ricardo M. Jiménez-Yáñez, lecturer at the Faculty of Humanities and Law, has published an article in the journal Discurso & Sociedad under the title “Rhetorical Strategies of Persuasion in Legal Blogs (Blaggs) and Doctrinal Articles”, which analyses the impact of persuasion in legal blogs and doctrinal articles in relation to the sentence issued by the European Court of Justice on “floor clauses” in mortgages.

The objective of the study is the exploratory and comparative empirical analysis of the position of the authors of a corpus of legal blogs (blawgs) and doctrinal articles on this controversial sentence. The study analyses and compares the emphasis, mitigators and actitudinal markers used by authors, as professionals and experts in the field, in order to convince the audience of their views.

One of the contributions of the study is that linguists and lawyers have worked together. In addition to Dr Jimenez-Yáñez, the article was written by Dr Diana Giner of the University of San Jorge and Mr Pablo Franquet, lawyer and partner of the law firm Fieldfisher-Jausàs.