
Eduardo Conde: «Talent Comes from Hard Work, Perseverance and Honesty»

Eduardo Conde, a partner at Seeliger and Conde, a leading Spanish company dedicated to finding and developing managerial talent, gave the talk «Talent Management» to final-year students at the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences on Tuesday, 28 January 2014.

During the talk, Eduardo Conde gave an overview of what he considers the crucial aspects of setting out on a professional career. He emphasized that talent came natural to some people, but could also be developed through “hard work, perseverance and honesty".

He reminded attendees that a highly positive attitude is an important attribute that can be a differentiating factor. He said, “Things like positive eye contact, a firm handshake and correct posture can help create an impression of self-confidence when you are being interviewed”.

While discussing tools for effective talent management, Conde pointed out that self-assessment of one’s own strong and weak points can be a failsafe weapon. He stressed the importance of having a clear objective, backed by what he referred to as a Plan B.

The speaker concluded by assuring the students that if they worked on all the aspects discussed during the session, they would be prepared to seize any opportunity that presented itself to them in the future.