
Elisa Suñer, R+D manager at Grupo MartiDerm, patron for the third class graduating the Bachelor’s Degree in Bioengineering

The expert in formula compounding and dermo-cosmetic product development addressed the nine graduates and stressed the importance of being authentic, inquisitive, humble and having a scientific spirit to impact society as professionals and as people

On Friday, 9 June, the graduation ceremony was held on the Barcelona Campus in the Aula Magna for the Bachelor’s Degree in Bioengineering. The ceremony was led by the UIC Barcelona rector, Dr Alfonso Méndiz who shared the platform with Elisa Suñer, patron for the degree programme’s third graduating class.

The expert in formula compounding and dermo-cosmetic product development at Grupo MartiDerm, Elisa Suñer, shared her professional career from her own personal experience to convey to the new bioengineers that, with vision, passion, innovation and, above all else a great people team, they can face the challenges that will allow them to keep moving forward and contribute to improving people’s quality of life.

The graduating class patron helped the new graduates to realise that they are bioengineering’s future and that they have the potential to impact the lives of people through research and innovation. Suñer also stressed the importance of being authentic and encouraged them to “always try to be yourself, as that is what distinguishes us from artificial intelligence. Be inquisitive, curious and innovate. Be humble, asking for help is not a sign of weakness but a sign of strength. And be enthusiastic and proactive; that is what makes the difference.”

Next, student representatives of the Bachelor’s Degree in Bioengineering, Carlota Lacasa and Gabriela Schmid, thanked the teachers for their work and the families and classmates for their support during their university years.

The director of the Bachelor’s Degree in Bioengineering and head of the Bioengineering Institute of Technology, Dr Román Pérez, reminded the graduates that “as bioengineers you have access to very exclusive tools and technologies, and this entails a great responsibility. The responsibility to correctly and ethically use technologies that will help you do your work, but that will never be able to replace you.” “Now you are bioengineers with multidisciplinary training and, with your passion, values and commitment, improving society is in your hands.”

Dr Alfonso Méndiz, rector of UIC Barcelona, closed the ceremony. He encouraged the new alumni to “give meaning to your work, thinking beyond remuneration or success, since the meaning you give to your work will determine how you face the bad times and how you value the good ones.” Méndiz also reminded them that the most advanced technologies can never replace compassion for those in need and encouraged them to “seek happiness, excellence, professionalism and rigour in this new stage that you are beginning.”




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