
ESARQ Forum: «Evanescent Architecture» by José Miguel de Prada Poole

On Monday, 3 March 2014, José Miguel de Prada Poole, the winner of the National Prize for Architecture in 1975, delivered a lecture titled «Evanescent Architecture» in the UIC's main lecture hall as part of the 2014 ESARQ Forum.

Throughout the session, the architect presented a series of projects composed of modular elements in various scales and sizes that can be transformed, rearranged and relocated.

Referring to the Instant City project, which had no budget and could not use mechanized solutions, Prada Poole emphasized how architects have to “make a virtue out of necessity and be capable of inventing and designing construction methods that are appropriate to each situation using materials to hand”.

The architect expressed his opinion that “architecture is one of the oldest professions”, and suggested to the students that “we must become more like modern chefs, who don't provide recipes but criteria. Architects must provide criteria in order to boost the imagination”.

Among the projects he presented were the Instant City in Ibiza; an ice rink in Seville for which he won the National Prize for Architecture, thus becoming the youngest architect ever to win the prize; a modular pavilion for the ADI-FAD at the International Fair in Barcelona; an auditorium in Villaverde-Ciudad Lineal (Madrid), and proposals for modular mobile schools for the Ministry of Education and Science and an “invisible” travelling museum in Manhattan.

Among the special guests were Víctor Rahola, Eugeni Bach, Tomeu Ramis and Alfons Soldevila. The latter stated that the lecture revealed “the importance of imagination, ingenuity and invention, three qualities that architects must never lose sight of”.

Prada Poole specializes in lightweight and tensile pneumatic structures. He has received national and international acclaim during his long-standing career. His collection includes awards from various countries, including Japan, Brazil, the United States, Italy and France.