
ESARQ Presents Its Summer Courses

On Tuesday, 5 June 2012, the UIC's ESARQ School of Architecture presented its two summer courses, which will be held from Monday, 9 July 2012, to Friday, 20 July 2012. Vicenç Sarrablo, the Director of the ESARQ, and Jordi Roviras, the Assistant Director of the School, both attended the ceremony along with some of the professors of the courses.

This year, in order to create a multidisciplinary continuing education programme, the courses offered by the ESARQ are open to Architecture students as well as students from other degree programmes interested in architecture.

The course “Performing Urban Scenographies” is a theoretical and experimental journey through the concept and practice of urban scenography from its beginnings to the present. During the course, students will create theatrical spaces in the natural complexity of urban scenography in a Barcelona neighbourhood using their own architectural, structural or landscape design. The main objective of the project is to focus on design, production and presentation.

The objective of the course “Microblog: A Critical Notebook”, is to experiment with project criticism and description using a small format: the microblog. Students will be expected to select, write, summarize and organize the material into a combination of texts and images. The microblog becomes a tool for expressing personal thoughts about architecture and design.

ESARQ professors Alfonso Puigarnau and Elena Rocchi will teach the course “Performing Urban Scenographies”. Beth Galí, Ana María Álvarez and Marta Poch, architects closely linked to the world of publishing, will teach the course “Microblog: A Critical Notebook”.

BLOG: http://publiesarq.wordpress.com/2012/05/22/cursos-de-verano-esarq/

FB: Microbloc: http://www.facebook.com/events/245101048928312/