
ESARQ's Third Graduating Class Celebrates 10th Reunion

The alumni shared their experiences at the annual reunion on Friday, 4 April 2014.

The first speaker was Yolanda Espina, the head of the ESARQ School of Architecture Alumni Association, who noted that ESARQ architects have a high employment rate and are working all over the world. Espina stressed the importance of keeping in touch with fellow alumni and the School. She said, “You are ESARQ architects. You all have a great deal to share with one another and, by sharing, you will help one another grow as professionals".

Marta Benages, the Assistant Director of the ESARQ, then gave a presentation on the social network platforms maintained by the ESARQ so alumni can provide information on their professional achievements.

Dr. Alberto T. Estévez, the first Director of the ESARQ, then offered a few words to the architects. "Let your own unique light shine", he advised them. He also reminded them that the commencement speaker at the School's 2004 graduation ceremony was Shigeru Ban, an architect who has since won the Pritzker Architecture Prize.

Pere Vall, the current Director of the ESARQ, encouraged the alumni to make the School aware of their professional concerns so it can provide a response.

The last speakers were three alumni who talked about their professional experience: Esteve Pastori of Arquitectes per Catalunya and Aitor Fuentes and Jordi Ayala of Arquitectura G.

The event concluded with gifts and refreshments.