
Experts Discuss Changing Spanish Timetable at UIC

A group of experts participated in a roundtable session to discuss ways to encourage the application of time management measures, so that both individuals and businesses may benefit. The event was jointly organized by the National Association for the Rationalization of Spanish Working Hours (ARHOE) and the UIC Institute of Advanced Family Studies (IESF).

The roundtable session “Timetables: Time for a Change” was held in the UIC Graduate Hall on Wednesday, 19 February 2014. The event was inaugurated by Ignacio Buqueras y Bach, the President of the National Association for the Rationalization of Spanish Working Hours (ARHOE). The session was moderated by Raúl Sánchez, the Regional Coordinator of ARHOE in Catalonia, and included the participation of Sara Berbel, an expert in equality policies with a PhD in Social Psychology; Luigi Bugalla, a member of the Board of Directors of the Catalan Association of Media Users (TAC); Consuelo León, the Director of the Observatory on Family Policies at the UIC Institute of Advanced Family Studies (IESF); and Fabian Mohedano, the Coordinator of the Catalan Timetable Reform Initiative.

The objective of the session is to identify the advantages and benefits to implementing time management measures. We also hope to raise awareness about how essential the wise use of time is to reconciling personal, family and work life, while keeping in mind joint responsibility. Good time management and rational working hours are vital to both personal development and improved productivity”, said Ignacio Buqueras, the President of the ARHOE.