
Faculty of Education Conference to Discuss Single-Sex Schooling

On Thursday and Friday, 23-24 January 2014, the Faculty of Education will hold a conference on single-sex schooling that will offer an opportunity to discuss the validity of this educational approach.

Guest experts at the conference will include Dr. José Luis Martínez-Muñiz, who is a Professor of Law at the Universidad de Valladolid and will analyse the question of single-sex schooling from a legal perspective, and Teresa Martínez, the Headmistress of La Vall School and President of EASSE (European Association of Single-Sex Education) in Catalonia. Also participating will be Dr. Enric Vidal and Dr. Jaume Camps, the Dean and Assistant Dean of the UIC’s Faculty of Education.

In broad terms, the subjects presented during the conference will provide an overview designed to facilitate an understanding of single-sex schooling from a social, educational and legal perspective.

The conference will take place on the Barcelona campus on Thursday, 23 January 2014, and on the Sant Cugat campus on Friday, 24 January 2014.

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