
The Faculty of Education Sciences hosts the Green Dialogues Meeting

The Green Dialogues Meeting, which took place from 19 to 22 September on the Sant Cugat Campus, is a meeting within the framework of the innovative Green Dialogues initiative, an international teaching and research project in the field of children’s environmental literature. UIC Barcelona, the University of Padua and the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences participate in this programme

Green Dialogues is an international teaching and research programme that promotes international cooperation in the field of children’s environmental literature. The main objective of the project is to promote international cooperation in the field of children's environmental literature in order to improve the educational quality of education. Moreover, it facilitates the exchange of university staff members between the cooperating universities: UIC Barcelona, the University of Padua and the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences.

As part of this project, UIC Barcelona hosted the Green Dialogues Meeting on the Sant Cugat Campus, a semi-annual meeting between the three participating universities. After the welcoming ceremony by the dean of the Faculty of Education Sciences, Enric Vidal, and the vice-rector for Research, Innovation and Knowledge Transfer, Conrado Aparicio, a series of events as part of the Green Dialogues project began. Also present at the at the welcoming ceremony were Noor Alchikh, International Relations director; Óscar Carbó, Knowledge Transfer and Valorisation Centre (CTC) director; and Sílvia Albareda, lecturer for Education.

The programme included visits to the Campus facilities, multiple meetings and an exhibition of the books analysed by the researchers and worked on in the subjects at the three universities. Meeting participants were able to enjoy works that invite the reader to discover the value of dialogue, participate actively in their surroundings and to rethink the relationship of man with the resources and other beings of the planet.

The Green Dialogues Meeting has sought to promote a real exchange of thoughts and ideas to study how children’s literature represents nature and deepen the connections between linguistic diversity and sustainability. Likewise, the works selected by the Education section of the Sant Cugat Campus Library has served to disseminate the project and publicise these titles and the messages they emanate from the entire university community.

The organising team was led by lecturers Maria Pujol Valls, Mariona Graell Martin and Carme Balaguer Fabregas, as well as Mònica Luque Xicota and Mariloli Cámera, mobility coordinators for the International Relations Service.