
The Faculty of Law Co-organizes Book Presentation on German Law

The Faculty of Law organized the presentation of the book «Juristas y enseñanzas alemanas I (1945-1975)» (German Legal Experts and Their Teachings I (1945-1975)) by Francisco Sosa Wagner, along with the Marcial Pons publishing company, the Bar Association of Barcelona (ICAB) and the Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation of Catalonia. The event took place on Wednesday, 5 March 2014, in ICAB's Pati de Columnes.

The following participated in the event: Josep-D. Guàrdia i Canela, President of the Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation of Catalonia; Dr. Javier Junceda, Dean of the UIC Faculty of Law; Francisco Sosa Wagner, the author of the book and the Chair of Administrative Law at the Universidad de León; José Esteve, the Chair of Administrative Law at the Universitat de Barcelona; and Juan Córdoba, the Vice President of the Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation of Catalonia and the Chair of Criminal Law at the Universitat de Barcelona.

Dr. Junceda opened the event with some words about the book, which he described as a "masterpiece". The author, Sosa Wagner, explained the research he conducted to write the book. He said, "Law is the response that we give to the social and political problems around us. Therefore, if we are not familiar with the historical moment in which these problems occur, the actions and reflections of the law will make no sense. In the world of law, we are used to seeing quotes from authors without really knowing the historical moment in which they lived".

He also explained why the last volume of the book stops in the year 1975 by saying, "This historical moment is important because German legal experts had become powerless and had no support. Most importantly, they found themselves wondering what had placed Germany in such a negative situation. This was the moment when public law was reconstructed by considering fundamental values, including the construction of a public power restricted by law".

The author stressed the relevance of the work today. He said, "The doctrine of the legal experts from that era is very important today". As an example, he mentioned the “undefined legal concept”.

Dr. José Esteve mentioned that the book focuses on the period when Germany was reborn and German public law was created. He pointed out that this law influenced three aspects of Spanish law, namely, "All the legal writings and fundamental rights, the institution of the constitutional court and the regional planning model. The French model was abandoned and Spain turned to the German model".

Lastly, Dr. Juan Córdoba spoke about his experience with German legal science and his time living in the city of Munich. In reference to the book, Córdoba emphasized the finalist theory of crime and its most characteristic features.

The event was closed by Josep-D. Guàrdia i Canela, the President of the Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation of Catalonia.