
Faculty of Medicine Offers Workshop on Medcomtech/FX Solutions Shoulder Prosthesis

On Wednesday, 22 January 2014, the Surgical Anatomy Lab in the UIC Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, which is led by Dr. Marian Lorente, held its first Medcomtech/FX Solutions workshop on shoulder pathologies.

The workshop, a practical training session using cadavers, dealt with the advances that the Humelock Inverter shoulder prosthesis brings to the treatment of shoulder pathologies. The Humelock prosthesis is made by FX Solutions in France and is distributed in Spain and Portugal by Medcomtech S.A.

The workshop was led by Professor Laurent Obert, a pioneer in inverse prostheses who designed the Humelock and is a well-known researcher at the Centre Hospitalier Régional et Universitaire de Besançon in France. Fifteen heads of trauma service from hospitals all over Spain also participated.