
Fourth-Year Advertising Students Advise La Fageda Communications Director

A group of fourth-year Advertising and Public Relations students consulted for Albert Riera, the Director of Communications at La Fageda, on the company's communications policy. The consulting work formed part of the subject Applications of Advertising Communication, taught by Dr. Pilar Buil.

In the first semester of the course, the fourth-year students first analyzed the brand and then proposed various communication actions to achieve some of the company's strategic aims with respect to communications management. They specifically proposed refreshing the company's branding to increase its recognition, scaling up relational marketing activities to gain a stronger presence in society and creating a more dynamic stakeholder relationship in digital format.

The students personally presented these actions to La Fageda's communications team at the company's office in Garrotxa on Friday, 17 January 2014. Following the presentation, students had the opportunity to tour La Fageda's facilities and enjoy samples of its products.