
Fourth-Year Advertising Students Defend Marketing Plans Designed for La Fageda Yoghurts

On Friday, 20 December 2013, students in their fourth year of the Advertising and Public Relations programme defended the marketing plans they had designed for La Fageda, a company that produces yoghurts and other dairy-based desserts.

Their defence was assessed by a panel made up of industry professionals, namely: Marta Salvat, the former General Manager of DEC Comunicación; Carlos Medina, the Managing Director of Medina & Villalta; Luiggi Sarrias, the Director of BeOne Comunicación; Carolina Albero, the Director of Communications at Repsol Cataluña; and Juan Pablo Huizi, a Partner and Director of Venimos en Son de Paz.

These professionals, who hail from a variety of different fields within the communications industry, taught a number of classes during the first term as part of the module on Applications of Advertising Communication, which is directed by Pilar Buil.