
Gas participates in a mobility stay at the University of Bologna under the Erasmus+ Programme

Montserrat Gas, vice-dean of Teaching Staff and International Relations of the Faculty of Law, has participated in a teaching mobility stay at the University of Bologna from 27 to 31 March, and has taught law students at the Ravenna and Bologna campuses of the university. 

In her classes, Dr Gas covered the matrimonial regimes in Spain between state law and religious rights, the area of canon law and ecclesiastical law of the State. Professor Gas also held several working meetings with professors from the Faculty of Law, as well as with those responsible for international exchange stays of the faculty.

The teaching mobility stay was part of the Erasmus+ Agreement signed last year between the faculties of law of both universities.

Under this same agreement, a UIC Barcelona student is currently doing a semester in the student mobility exchange and in the 2023-2024 academic year, a student from Bologna will come to UIC Barcelona.