
Gonzalo Hernández: “Thanks to the support of entities such as the Pablo Ugarte Association we can develop our lines of research”

The researcher is part of the Hereditary Hematology and Iron Metabolism – HELAINE Research Group,  led by Dr Mayka Sánchez, and works on the ARETHA project. With the support of the Pablo Ugarte Association, among other entities, the project focuses on lines of research to improve diagnosis and treatment of rare hematological diseases

This type of hematological diseases includes a broad range of extremely heterogeneous diseases that affect the blood by mechanisms that not entirely known, which make the iron overload accompanying the disease hard to diagnose and treat. In order to conduct research projects to improve diagnostic systems and adapt treatments to patient needs, funding and support from patient associations such as ADISCON or APU (Pablo Ugarte Association) is absolutely essential.

In this video, Dr Gonzalo Hernández explains the research carried out by his group and the initiatives that make it possible, such as the solidarity challenge “I’m IN, and you?”, promoted by Guillermo Cuenca. This summer, the young man travelled more than 2,400 km over 21 days on bicycle to raise money for APU and to visit the hospitals and research sites and where these research projects he collaborates in are being conducted.

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