
Josep Maria Argimon, the former Health minister of the Government of Catalonia, serves as patron for the Bachelor’s Degree in Physiotherapy

Argimon, the Health minister for the Government of Catalonia in 2021 and 2022, emphasised the virtue of service in the world of health and the preventative role of physiotherapy

On 16 June, the year four students from the Bachelor's Degree in Physiotherapy celebrated their graduation ceremony in the Aula Magna on the Barcelona Campus, presided by the rector of UIC Barcelona, Dr Alfonso Méndiz. Josep Maria Argimon, the former Health minister of the Government of Catalonia, was the person charged with serving as patron for the Bachelor's Degree in Physiotherapy’s eleventh graduating class.

Argimon, the Catalan Health minister in 2021 and 2022, drew on his wealth of experience to emphasise the importance of vocation and serving others in the world of health. “You will always work in the service of people,” explained Argimon. “You have a crucial role in promoting health and preventing disease and disability. Don’t forget that, as health professionals, you need to constantly keep your knowledge up to date to always offer the best service.”

The ceremony continued with the placing of sashes and the awarding of diplomas to the graduates, followed by words from the Bachelor's Degree in Physiotherapy’s student representatives, Daniel Zegarra, Simon Cedeño and Cloé Vachon, who thanked their family members, friends and teachers for all the support they received during their time at the University. Furthermore, lecturer Carlos López de Celis, chosen as patron by the students, offered a few touching words to his new colleagues, stressing the hard work they put in during their degree and encouraging them to enjoy the profession.

The floor was then handed over to the director of the Department of Physiotherapy, Daniel Romero, whose words for the new graduates focused on the current process of technological innovation. He highlighted the importance of incorporating technology into degrees like Physiotherapy and, more specially, the combination of the metaverse with this health discipline.

Afterwards, Dr Alfonso Méndiz, the rector of UIC Barcelona, tied his speech in with the patron’s message and reflected on the meaning of the profession. “You should never lose sight of the meaning of your profession. It will be your job to care for those who suffer, to ensure the well-being of patients and improve their quality of life. It is important that we recover the values of support, comprehension and solidarity,” exclaimed the rector. In further allusion to technology, he compared the development of students at universities like UIC Barcelona with that of new technologies and artificial intelligence. According to the rector, “in a world full of technology, we must rediscover the value of dialogue, of listening to others and of humanity. Only in this way can we usher in a revolution based on people and affection”.




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