
Josep Maria Martorell, director of the BSC-CNS, patron of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences’ graduating class

Students of the Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Management, the Master’s Degree in Business Management and Production Systems and theUniversity Master’s Degree in Entrepreneurial Financing: Venture Capital and Private Equity received their diplomas in a graduation ceremony

Students of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences graduated on 26 May in the Aula Magna lecture theatre on the Barcelona Campus, with Josep Maria Martorell, director of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, as patron of the graduation class. The students, accompanied by their families and teachers, received their blue sashes.

Dr Marta Mas, dean of the UIC Barcelona Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, opened the ceremony with a speech addressed to the new graduates and encouraged them to use their talent to improve society. Likewise, she took the opportunity to thank and congratulate all the students who were starting a new stage as professionals.

Then, the graduating class patron, former director general for Research of the Generalitat de Catalunya and business angel for different technological startups created in Barcelona, Josep Maria Martorell took the floor.

During his keynote speech, Martorell gave special emphasis to the global evolution of digital technologies (artificial intelligence, supercomputing, microchips, etc.) and the role of these new graduates in this new paradigm. He also reviewed how the theoretical framework and experimentation evolve in the new research paradigms.

Next, Business Administration and Management (English Programme) student Ana Jordán was in charge speaking on behalf all her graduating classmates. Jordán remembered the years of her career and encouraged her colleagues to “discover the beauty of a job well done.” “I am convinced that we will respond to the responsibility that falls on us,” Jordan said. Business Administration and Management (Spanish Programme) representative Jesús Orta also spoke and recalled some of his experiences during his studies.


Finally, Dr Alfonso Méndiz, rector of the University, closed the ceremony by welcoming the graduates to the Alumni community: “Wherever you are, come back whenever you can. Tell us about the projects you have and the dreams you are pursuing. Today you become part of the community of alumni with whom you share values and dreams.” The rector wanted to remind them of the role that all professionals play, “This is not just about succeeding. This has to do with the noblest purpose; the purpose of serving society and making the world a better place to live.”

The ceremony ended with the traditional signing of “Gaudeamus Igitur.”