
Lecturer Bernat Torres, secretary of the Catalan Society of Philosophy, coordinates the organisation of the 6th Catalan Philosophy Congress in Manresa

On 15, 16 and 17 June, Manresa played host to the 6th Catalan Philosophy Congress, a forum for presenting and discussing the most recent research in the field of Philosophy. 

The Congress was organised by Faculty of Humanities lecturer Bernat Torres, as secretary of the Catalan Society of Philosophy, in conjunction with the Philosophical Association of the Balearic Islands, the Valencian Society of Philosophy and the Andorran Society of Sciences.

During the Congress, which took place in the Kursaal Theatre, the Casino Cultural Centre, the Gothic Room in the Basilica of Santa Maria and the Parcir bookshop and featured representatives from all Catalan universities, over 140 papers in all areas of Philosophy were presented.

The event also included five plenary sessions, which explored topics such as the function of applied ethics in interdisciplinary cooperation, literature and thought and a phenomenological analysis of shame.

The Congress featured seven symposiums on the philosophy of Jaume Serra Hunter, Salvador Dalí, ancient philosophy, death, feminisms, social thought and feminine activism in the 19th-20th centuries and the Catalan translation of Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason.

Lastly, the event also served to present the books Ex machina. Ètica, big data, algoritmes i robots (Ex Machina: Ethics, Big Data, Algorithms and Robots), by Ramon Alcoberro; Humanisme i posthumanisme (Humanism and Posthumanism), by Francesc Núñez and Agnés Vayreda; Filòsofes de la contemporaneïtat (Contemporary Female Philosophers), by Núria Miras Boronat; and A l’ombra de la filosofia (In the Shadow of Philosophy), by Miquel Àngel Ballester.

The Catalan Philosophy Congress was co-financed by the Manresa Municipal Council as part of the Manresa 2022 Project.