
The Library of Catalonia opens the doors to the Faculty of Humanities

Students taking the subject Research 1 visited the library on 14 April with the purpose of learning about the documentary resources it offers to researchers

Dr Teresa Vallès, assistant professor of the Faculty of Humanities, organised a visit to the Library of Catalonia for third-year Humanities students, who were able to explore the archive and its different primary sources (manuscripts, incunabula, maps, engravings, lithographs, old photographs, etc.).

The Library of Catalonia is an institution dedicated to the preservation, conservation, research and dissemination of the bibliographic and documentary heritage of Catalonia. In its collection of approximately three million copies, the collection of about 20,000 manuscripts and 500,000 letters is especially worthy of mention. It also houses the Frederic Marès Museum of Books and the Joan Maragall Archive, among other noteworthy collections.

The cultural outing was organised as part of the subject Research 1, which aims to provide the tools and knowledge needed for research in humanities and to complete the Final Degree Project.