
Luis M. Garralda, president of FENIN, patron for the new class graduating the bachelor’s degree in Dentistry

As patron, the head of the dental sector of the Spanish Federation of Healthcare Technology Companies (FENIN), reminded the new graduates of the importance of cooperation between dentists and companies in the sector to develop new solutions that respond to the populaton needs in oral health

On 13 July, students graduated the Bachelor’s Degree in Dentistry in a moving ceremony held for the first time in the Sant Cugat Teatre-Auditori. Presented by DDM Pep Borrell, the event was led by Dr Alfonso Méndiz, rector of the University, and by Dr Lluís Giner, dean of the Faculty of Dentistry. Luis M. Garralda, president of the Dental Sector of the Spanish Federation of Healthcare Technology Companies (FENIN), was patron for the graduating class.

Dr Pep Borrell welcomed the attendees and gave a brief review of the milestones achieved by the Faculty and its students during the bachelor’s degree programme then gave way to Dr Lluís Giner, dean of the Faculty. Giner congratulated his new colleagues and reminded them that during their study years, they were trained as professionals in a comprehensive way that will allow them to “put the patient in the centre and care for their oral health, aware of the key role oral health plays in people’s overall health.” Moreover, he encouraged them not to be afraid and “to continue training, and thereby contribute to generate and share knowledge.”

Next, the graduating class patron, Luis M. Garralda, congratulated the new alumni for “choosing an exciting and rewarding profession in which you can improve the people’s health.” With a long professional career in the dental sector, Garralda reminded students that “the incorporation of new technologies in the treatments you offer your patients will allow you to improve the care you offer them and provide that care in a more personalised way.” Then he gave a word of advice: “Continue training and researching so that you can respond to the needs of today’s society, hand in hand with sector companies, helping them develop solutions that improve people’s health. The future is yours!”

After the placing of sashes and awarding of diplomas, student representatives, Merche Alba and Kevin Chrabieh, shared some touching words with their graduating classmates, as well as their families and teachers for the support they received during their studies.

Finally, Dr Alfonso Méndiz, rector of the University, closed the event with a speech in which he encouraged the new dentists to be good professionals and good people by saying that “you are beginning a new stage where the meaning you give to your work will determine how you face the challenges of the future.”



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