
Meeting of Department of Medicine's Advisory Board

On Wednesday, 21 May 2014, a meeting was held by the Advisory Board of the UIC Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Department of Medicine. This consultative body is made up of renowned professionals in the field of medicine and aims to provide the faculty with advice.

The agenda included items such as an analysis of the status of the UIC Degree in Medicine, which this year celebrates the graduation ceremony of the first graduating class; the new Strategic Plan of the Department of Medicine for the coming years; the creation of the Teaching Staff Council; and the new policy to provide the academic staff with orientation and support in their teaching careers.

The body is made up of the following people:

- Dr. Xavier Pomés, an anaesthetist and the former Minister of Governance, Minister of Home Affairs (1995-2002) and Minister of Public Health and Social Security (2002-2003) in the Catalan government. He is currently a representative of the General Curia of the Brothers Hospitallers of St. John of God for the Latin American centres and President of the Board at Hospital Clínic de Barcelona.

- Dr. Ramón Pujol, an internist, the former President of the European Federation of Internal Medicine and the former Head of the Internal Medicine Service at the Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge, where he is now a senior teacher and full professor. He is also the Head of the Department of Clinical Sciences in the Faculty of Medicine at the Universitat de Barcelona (Bellvitge Campus).

- Dr. Laureano Molins, a thoracic surgeon who was trained in the United States at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester and Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston and founded the European Society of Thoracic Surgeons. He is currently the Head of the Thoracic Surgery Service at Hospital Clínic's Thorax Institute and the IDCSalud Sagrat Cor Hospital Universitari, and an assistant professor of surgery at the Universitat de Barcelona.

- Dr. Jaume Sellarés, a medical specialist in family and community medicine, has directed several primary care teams and is the former Chairman of the Catalan Union of Hospitals. He is currently the Director of EAP Sardenya, the Head of UDACEBA (a company that manages several primary care associations) and the second Vice President of the Medical Association of Barcelona.

- Dr. Ramón Estruch, an internist and renowned researcher, is currently a senior consultant in the Department of Internal Medicine at Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, an assistant professor in the Faculty of Medicine at the Universitat de Barcelona, and a member of the board of the Centre for Biomedical Research Network on Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition, which was set up by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.

Representing the Department of Medicine at the meeting were Dr. Albert Balaguer, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Dr. Marta Elorduy, Dr. Ángeles Martos and Dr. Xavier Corbella, Vice Deans of the Faculty, and Mercè Ferrer, the Head of the Faculty.