
Miguel Ángel Mateos, researcher at the Bioengineering Institute of Technology, patron of the fourth graduating class of the Bachelor’s Degree in Bioengineering

The researcher and lecturer of the bioengineering department spoke to his new colleagues about the importance of working as a team, being humble and doing things with love and dedication to achieve success

On Thursday 27 June, the University’s Aula Magna hosted the fourth graduation ceremony of the Bachelor’s Degree in Bioengineering, which was chaired by the director of the bachelor’s degree and head of the Bioengineering Institute of Technology, Román Pérez.  

As patron of the class of 2024, Miguel Ángel Mateos transmitted the importance of values in both personal and professional life to the new graduates. “It is essential to transmit love for everything we do and for those around us, doing things with passion and being the best we can be,” he explained. In his speech, Mateos also highlighted responsibility, humility, empathy and gratitude as values that alumni should always keep in mind in this new phase. Before finishing, the patron also reminded them that “you have all the knowledge, skills and values to succeed and make the world a better place”.

The graduates were then presented with their diplomas and the class representatives followed with some emotional words, thanking all the teachers for their dedication and support during the degree, and their families and classmates for all the support received.

Román Pérez, director of the Bachelor’s Degree in Bioengineering, was in charge of closing the event by addressing a few words to the new colleagues of the profession. In his speech, he encouraged them to keep the curiosity to continue learning alive and to take risks to achieve their dreams. In addition, he also reminded them of the importance of teamwork, the ability to adapt, passion for what they do, and humility as keys to succeeding in their new professional careers. 

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