
Mortarboards Awarded to New Doctoral Degree Holders on St. Thomas Aquinas Day

On Monday, 27 January 2014, on the occasion of the feast day of St. Thomas Aquinas, the patron saint of universities, mortarboards were awarded to new doctoral degree holders. During the ceremony, the Extraordinary Doctorate Award and the Extraordinary End of Studies Awards were also presented. Oriol Bertran, who is in charge of universities at Barcelona City Council, attended the ceremony.

After a few words of welcome and thanks for all those attending, UIC Rector Dr. Pere Alavedra awarded mortarboards to the new doctoral graduates: Agustín Acosta, Miguel Ángel Comas, Maria Ángeles de Juan, Tarke Amin El-Akkad, Helena Fernandes, Alain Stanislas Fleis, Maite Fuertes, Maria Isabel Gabarró, Jordi Garrido, Luz González, Ramón Hernández, Antonio Lluch, Rodrigo José Pallás, Andrés Pascual, Andrea Natalia Ricco and Jordi Roviras.

Dr. Andrea Natalia Ricco received the Extraordinary Doctorate Award for her doctoral thesis in the area of health research. The thesis, “Molecular Characterization of New Substrates of CDK Pho85”, was directed by Dr. Josep Clotet. The Extraordinary End of Studies Awards went to Estefanía García from the Degree Programme in Preschool Education, Marco Pertíñez from the Degree Programme in Law, and Cristina Alcázar from the Degree Programme in Criminology.

Dr. Toni Mora, the Vice Rector for Research, acknowledged the hard work done by the new doctoral graduates on their research projects and the excellent professional approach they displayed at all times. Finally, the Rector closed the ceremony by welcoming the new doctors.