
New Chair to Research Bioactive Materials for Bone Regeneration

The Faculty of Dentistry has signed an agreement with the Israeli company MIS Implants, a global leader in the development of dental implants, in order to innovate and transfer knowledge in the area of bioadhesion of biomaterials.

The UIC Faculty of Dentistry and the company MIS Implant Technologies Ltd have signed a collaboration agreement, which will constitute the new MIS/UIC Chair in Regenerative Implantology. The objective of the chair is to research and transfer knowledge in the field of innovative bioactive materials.

The new chair will be led by Dr. Maher Atari, a researcher at the UIC, and will focus on promoting knowledge and research on regenerative implantology and, more specifically, on the study of bioactive materials on titanium surfaces that promote the bioadhesion of implants and bone regeneration.

The activities promoted by the chair will centre on training, research and knowledge transfer in order to disseminate new technologies among dentists and guarantee long-term quality for those requiring implants. All of this will take place within a context of close cooperation between the company and the university, and the ultimate goal will be to train future skilled professionals in the field of biomaterials.

Present at the signing of the agreement were UIC Rector Dr. Pere Alavedra; Dr. Nachum Samet, the Vice President of Research and Development at MIS Implant Technologies Ltd; Enrique Plana, the Manager of Medical 3 Importación Service Ibérica, a Spanish distribution company for MIS Implant Technologies Ltd; Dr. Lluís Giner, the Dean of the UIC Faculty of Dentistry; Dr. Ignacio Segarra, the Vice Dean of Research in the Faculty of Dentistry; and Joan Vidal, the General Manager of the Faculty of Dentistry.

Dr. Lluís Giner expressed his happiness at the creation of this new chair. He said, “It demonstrates the university's commitment to technology and knowledge transfer with the industry in order to improve the quality of treatment in the field of implantology”.