
Nuevo libro del profesor de Fisioterapia Lluís Puig

UIC Physiotherapy Professor Lluís Puig has written a new book, «Els secrets del fisioterapeuta. Consells pràctics per tenir cura del cos de cap a peus» (The Secrets of the Physiotherapist: Practical Advice for Healing from Head to Toe), published by Viena Ediciones.

In his book, physiotherapist
Lluís Puig reveals some of the keys to preventing the most serious injuries
based on an analysis of the most sensitive parts of the body and how the most
common injuries are caused. The advice he gives, along with the problems he
analyses, are tailored to the reader’s professional and sporting activities.

The book also details a series
of stretches, exercises and other recommendations that are very effective at
preventing day-to-day muscular and skeletal pain, whether caused by work or
practising sports. Puig also lists some of the most useful ways to relieve pain
once it has flared up, in addition to suggesting methods for preventing its

is Puig’s second book, following on from El
fisioterapeuta a casa; consells pràctics per moure’ns millor
(The Physiotherapist at Home: Practical Advice for Better Movement)