
Pere Buhigas, new director of the Observatory of Artificial Intelligence and New Technologies (OIANT)

The vice dean of the Faculty of Communication Sciences, Pere Buhigas, vice dean of the Faculty of Communication Science takes over from lecturer Gabriel Fernández Borsot as leader of the Observatory, which seeks to bring the knowledge of new technologies to the university group

The Observatory of Artificial Intelligence and New Technologies (OIANT) designs and implements a cross-disciplinary training plan for students in all UIC Barcelona degree programmes in the field of artificial intelligence and other emerging technologies. 

Given the growth of technologies and their implementation in many areas of knowledge, the OIANT’s mission is to bring the university community, with special emphasis on students, the knowledge and the great impact these everyday tools have on people.

Buhigas shared that “Artificial intelligence will change the way of doing and being for the student, the researcher and all the staff members at the University in all its specialties.” And he emphasised that “Through the Observatory, artificial intelligence literacy helps us identify the most useful tools to incorporate in each degree programme according to the needs and possibilities.”

The Observatory, created in 2020, seeks to establish a parallel public debate on the ethical responsibility of these new technologies that go beyond artificial intelligence: virtual reality, robotics, machine learning, etc.

The new director, Pere Buhigas, holds a degree in Journalism and is a telecommunications technical engineer. He is the current vice dean of the UIC Barcelona Faculty of Communication Sciences and has been teaching since the University was created. His research lines are linked to AI applied to journalism, innovation in television and science communication.