
Pere Buhigas, new director of Ràdio 4

Pere Buhigas Cardó, lecturer of the UIC Barcelona Faculty of Communication Sciences, has been appointed new director of Ràdio 4. Pere Buhigas has an undergraduate degree in Journalism, a diploma in Advanced Studies in Audiovisual Communication and Advertising and is a technical engineer in Telecommunications, and also director of the Observatory of Artificial Intelligence and New Technologies.

Until now, Pere Buhigas was RTVE’s assistant director of transmedia projects and member of the IVERES project “Identification, verification and response” against disinformation, under the Ministry of Science and Innovation. He is also a member of the Association of Catalan Journalists and of the Spanish Association of Scientific Communication.

Buhigas has been director of RTVE Catalunya and of news programmes for Spain's state-owned public service radio and television broadcaster Radio Nacional de España (RNE) and Televisión Española (TVE) in Catalonia. Previously, he had directed several local RNE radio stations.

Buhigas has been a broadcast journalist his entire professional career specialising in audiovisual management of information and in scientific journalism. He presented and directed six seasons of the technology programme “Lab24” on RTVE's 24h channel.