
Physiotherapy Inaugurates Second-Term Get Professional Conference

On Wednesday, 5 February 2014, fourth-year physiotherapy students inaugurated the first
Get Professional training and vocational guidance conference of the term, which was organized by the UIC Department of Physiotherapy and the Training, Counselling and Coaching Office.

The five-hour conference consisted of both theoretical and practical workshops led by speakers Arturo Lázaro, an executive coach and career advisor, and Irene Martínez, from the Department of Professional Development and Assistance of the Catalan Association of Physiotherapists.

The conference included talks on professional self-awareness as well as the current job market and its possible scenarios. Two practical workshops were also offered. One dealt with professional skills, while the other dealt with developing a personal strategic plan of action. The final part of the conference addressed the Association of Physiotherapists and the wide range of career opportunities. Dr. Caridad Bagur, the Director of the Department of Physiotherapy, highlighted the good relationship and collaboration the department has with the Association of Physiotherapists.

Edith Castellarnau, from the UIC Training Office, said, “The objective of these workshops is to provide students with tools they can use thanks to what they have learned in the faculty, especially to enhance the professional skills they already have”.

During the month of February, Get Professional conferences were also held for the Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Journalism. They focused on the “personal brand” of each individual student, not only on social networks such as Twitter and Linkedin, but also in their personal and professional lives.

Towards the end of the academic year, other bachelor’s degree programmes will join the initiative, which provides students with the tools they will need to face the professional world as their studies come to an end.