
Professional Journalists Assess 4th Year Journalism Students' Final Projects

On Friday, 30 May 2014, students in their fourth year of the Journalism degree programme presented their final projects to a panel made up of journalists from a wide variety of backgrounds: radio, press, television and ICT for the journalism industry.

A total of five groups defended the work they had done throughout the year under the guidance of their respective tutors. This year, the tutors were Pere Buhigas, Rafael Lara, Jordi Borda and Miquel Urmeneta, all of whom are lecturers and professionals with extensive journalistic experience. They guided, advised and monitored the students throughout the year in order to help them produce journalism projects of high quality.

Defending one’s project before the panel is the final part of a process that consists of two major phases. Phase one is carried out during the first semester, when students are required to prepare a journalistic research file that includes documentation, comparative material and an audience analysis. Phase two is carried out during the second semester, when students produce their project. At the end of the academic year, the students must have produced a professional project related to journalism and in which they have applied, incorporated and developed the knowledge, skills and competences they have acquired throughout the degree programme. The project can be a newspaper, magazine, online information portal, radio programme or a piece of reportage.

This year saw final projects of all kinds, which were assessed by a number of different panels. The panellists included the journalists Marc Llobet, Sole García, Jordi Gràcia, Carles Lamelo, Nereida Carrillo, Sílvia Majó and Óscar Hernando Crespo, who were joined by the Faculty lecturers María Victoria, Manuel Bartolomé and Pablo Medina.

On behalf of the Faculty, we would like to offer our sincerest congratulations to all of the students for the effort, vision and talent they have demonstrated.