
Professional Journalists Assess Second-Year Journalism Students

On Friday, 20 December 2013, students in the subject Television Communication in the UIC Bachelor's Degree Programme in Journalism presented their final projects to a panel of judges made up of professional journalists in radio and television.

The subject, given by the professors Pere Buhigas, Marc Llobet and Óscar Hernando, finished with a workshop in which the students spent one week working in real time and at the same pace as a real television broadcasting studio. At the end of the subject, the students presented a television report about a topic they had to choose, produce, film and edit.

The reports were assessed by a panel of judges made up of Cristina Pampín, a news editor and presenter for the Spanish television channel Telecinco, and Jordi Gràcia, a collaborator on different radio programmes such as "El Món a Rac1”, "Versió Rac1" and "Primer Toc” and a former collaborator with the programme "El Club" presented by Albert Om on the Catalan television channel TV3.

The students received firsthand feedback from the two professionals, who discussed how they would have done the reports and gave the students advice for future projects.