
Project by Professor Baena Selected for d3 Housing Tomorrow Exhibition

The project for a twelve-apartment building in Badalona created by David Baena, a professor in the ESARQ School of Architecture, and a team made up of Toni Casamor, Manel Peribáñez and María Taltavull, was selected for an exhibition at the Mashburn Gallery at the University of Houston College of Architecture. The exhibition is made up of the winning projects of the d3 Housing Tomorrow competition, as well as a selection of outstanding proposals from around the world.

Of the 32 projects depicting housing proposals of the future, two of those selected were created by Spanish architects: Nuria López Durio, an architect from Madrid, who designed a housing project in China, and the team from BCQ Arquitectura, the studio where Baena works.

BCQ’s project is not just an example of housing of the future. It is also housing of today, as it is already built and lived in. The project involved an open public space for civic use, free of traffic and vehicles, flanked by a 12-apartment social housing building that dominates the new space and has commercial premises on the ground floor. The architects transformed the empty lot in the landscape. Through the use of colour, “we gave the square the feeling of a horizontal building and the façade the feeling of a vertical square”, said Prof. Baena.

First prize in the 2013 d3 Housing Tomorrow competition was presented to the Chinese architects Die Hu, Boji Hu and Yang Zhao for their project Life on the Ropeway.