
Project Undertaken on Master's Degree in Periodontics Receives Award at 2014 SEPA Valladolid Conference

Dr. Rosario Puglisi, a student on the Master's Degree Programme in Periodontics in the UIC Faculty of Dentistry, received the award for the best paper in video format at the 2014 SEPA Valladolid conference.

The paper, titled “Alternative to coronal displacement of the flap in mucogingival surgical techniques to attain root coverage of gingival recessions”, was the result of a research project conducted by a team of students and academic staff on the Master’s Degree Programme in Periodontics. The team that carried out the project was made up of Dr. Rosario Puglisi, Blanca Paniagua Cotonat, Dr. Andrés Pascual, Dr. Xavier Vela, Dr. Xavier Rodríguez and Dr. José Nart.

The project proposed a new technique for the treatment of gingival recessions. Currently a number of different techniques are used to treat this condition with a high level of predictability. However, according to the authors of the paper, “the technique used in the project and the results obtained may open up new horizons in the surgical approach to gingival recessions”.