
Project on Writer Jaume Vidal Alcover Wins 9th Pre-University Competition

A total of 160 students took part in the 9th edition of the competition, which is organized by the UIC every year. They presented projects in a wide range of fields: the social sciences, humanities, education, communication, technology, biology, medicine and dentistry.

On Friday, 5 April 2013, Mariona Perramón, a student at La Salle School in Reus, won the 9th Pre-University Competition organized by the UIC with her research project "Annotated Correspondence of Jaume Vidal Alcover".

Second prize was awarded to Eduard Martínez, a student at Bell-lloc del Pla School in Girona, for his project on virtual pharmacogenesis. Finally, third prize went to Carlos Lázaro, from Turó School in Tarragona, for his research project "Graphene and Graphene Derivatives: An Look at their Properties ".

The jury was chaired by Jaume Armengou, the Vice Rector for Academic Organization and Teaching. It was made up of Dr. Teresa Vallès, the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, and professors Diana Navarro and Marian de Juan from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, as well as Maria José Diez, an ESARQ professor, and Ricard Mamblona, a professor in the Faculty of Communication Sciences. Enrique Chiva also attended the awards ceremony as a representative of Banc Sabadell, the sponsor of the Pre-University Competition.

The students who finished in the top 10 won a scholarship covering 100% of the enrolment fee to study any degree at the UIC in the 2013-2014 academic year. The first-place student was also awarded a laptop computer and the second- and third-place students received an iPod Shuffle. The tutors of the winning students received a Kindle eBook.