
The Rectorate now has the new portrait of Rector Xavier Gil

In a simple ceremony, this afternoon the portrait of the Rector Xavier Gil was unveiled in the Board Room. The painting, by Martín García Cross, has its place, accompanying the portraits of the former UIC Barcelona rectors, Pere Alavedra, Josep Argemí and Jordi Cervós, who left their marked on the history of our university

Some thirty people participated in this event. The first to speak was the president of the UIC Barcelona Board of Trustees, Miguel Ángel Cazcarra, who thanked Xavier Gil for his work and dedication during his six years as rector.

Visibly touched, Rector Xavier Gil spoke about the great work of the different Governing Boards he was over during his term of office, the University Advisory Council and the Board of Trustees. He has also highlighted the achievements that were reached during his years in office, such as the Experience Campus or the UIC Barcelona Cuides Clinic. “All this is a sign of progress in a project that I fell in love with from the very beginning and that gives transcendent value for the job well done. This is the only way excellence can be achieved,” he said.

For his part, the current rector, Alfonso Méndiz, sincerely thanking Xavier Gil for the work done, reflected on the purpose of the gallery. “These portraits represent a deep sense of tradition and permanence. They remind us of the story of those who drove this wonderful project forward. And when someone feels attached to a project, they feel united to the leader,” he stated.

The event ended in a toast with a glass of cava and a snack with the attendees.