
Researcher Masahiko Hara , nanotechnology pioneer, addresses the origin of life at UIC Barcelona

The Japanese researcher Masahiko Hara, nanotechnology pioneer in the fields of organic and biological materials,spoke on the origin of life at the Sant Cugat Campus of UIC Barcelona

In his lecture titled “Nanospectroscopic approaches to chemical evolution and the origins of life: from self-assembly to the chemical origins of life”, Hara made known the first observations of the planet's material surface aimed at clarifying the origins of life at the molecular level. These observations were carried out by using novel surface-sensitive techniques. 

Hara, a member of the Tokyo Institute of Technology, has published more than 380 scientific articles over the course of his career, and created and promoted an international exchange system for researchers in 1986. His laboratory has accepted more than 200 postdoctoral researchers. 

The guest speaker was introduced by the vice-rector for Research, Innovation and Knowledge Transfer, and accompanied by Alejandro Portela, researcher at the Bioengineering Institute of Technology at UIC Barcelona.