
Ricardo Jiménez, with more than 30 teachers, talks about the professional opportunities of linguistics

Lecturer for the Faculties of Law and Humanities Ricardo Jiménez writes about the professional opportunities of linguistics in the book Lingüistas de hoy [Linguists Today]. More than 30 professionals in this field collaborated on the book

This year, the Editorial Síntesis publishing company celebrates its 10th anniversary. As a result of this celebration, 33 language professionals gathered to write Lingüistas de hoy, with the participation of UIC Barcelona Law and Humanities lecturer Ricardo Jiménez.

Throughout the publication, researchers developed different chapters in which they reveal the different professions related to linguistics. We can find professional opportunities related to editing; professional text correction; linguistics, specializing in political communication; translation, specializing in legal language; history of the language; sociolinguistics; etc.

The chapter written by the UIC Barcelona lecturer, Ricardo Jiménez focused on the functions of linguists who analyse legal language and their professional possibilities. The structure of this chapter connects with the triad that comprises the work of the linguist who studies legal language: research, teaching and advising.

Dr Jiménez finished this publication in a recent academic stay at Charles University (Prague) and is part of the research of SGR 01336 “(RESCAT 2030)” and the research project CONCONPAN, R+D+i PID2021-124298OB-I00.