
Second edition of Comunicar en la Universidad y en la vida profesional [Communication at University and in Professional Life], by Ricardo M. Jiménez

The University of Navarra press (EUNSA) has published the second edition of the book Comunicar en la Universidad y en la Vida Profesional, by the professor of Law and Humanities Ricardo María Jiménez. The work, focused onspoken and written communication, is aimed at all university students and professionals who want to professionalise and improve writing and public speaking. This second edition includes a new table of contents and text corrections.

The University of Navarra press (EUNSA) has published the second edition of the book Comunicar en la Universidad y en la Vida Profesional, by the professor of Law and Humanities Ricardo María Jiménez. The work, focused onspoken and written communication, is aimed at all university students and professionals who want to professionalise and improve writing and public speaking. This second edition includes a new table of contents and text corrections.

This theoretical and practical book offers readers the keys to writing fluently, accurately and concisely. A section of the book offers tips for learning to speak in public, which turns this speaking and writing practice into a simple and functional task. Writing and public speaking is no longer an obstacle. Students from UIC Barcelona participated in the book with a variety of topics in the types of text section.

The first edition was published in 2020, and now the second edition has been published and has been well received judging by the positive ratings received on
Amazon. Likewise, academic journals such as Ibérica, Humanitats, Revista ELUA, Contextos Educativos and Aceprensa have published positive reviews on the book, and they consider it to be successful in terms of accessibility, the combination of theory and exercises, and the examples obtained in university classrooms.